Big Advantures on Eagles Island ( iPAD )

Rooster’s birthday starts like any other birthday party, being all fun and games with his good friends: the Elephant, the Lion, the Bear and the Snake. Pretty soon the fun turns into horror as Rooster’s house tumbles into the river and becomes a raft which is rapidly carried away by the stormy water. Some of the friends manage to hold on to the raft while others fall into the water…

At the same time, in a different part of the island, not very far away, lurks a venomous Spider and a few angry Eagles.

In their courageous struggle to be saved and to save each other, they must gather all their strength and ingenuity in order to overcome the dangerous water and the bitter enemies. On their way, the group of friends meet some peculiar creatures which turn out to be most useful.

You are invited to join Rooster and his friends in their adventures on Eagles’ Island. Sure, there will be scary parts but you are also guaranteed laughs, excitement and fun.

Over 60 animated pages, makes this iPad application especially appealing for children.

Available on the App Store
